Combine Print and Digital Solutions for Business Success

Digital marketing seems to be at the top of the agenda for many businesses, particularly given the rise in digital activity during Covid. However, industry research shows that an integrated approach that maintains offline communication as well as online, is the key to success.

Neglect print marketing at your peril.

 94% of all multi-channel marketing campaigns feature print as an element

  • Print has been proven to increase online searches.
  • 60% of consumers say they trust print more than other advertising channels.
  • 70% of consumers like direct mail more than digital ads because they feel more personal.
  • Recall is greater with print material – people are 70% more likely to remember businesses seen in print, compared to online.
  • The average email open rate across industries is 18% – the open rate for personalised direct mail is significantly higher.

 In an increasingly digital world, business owners and consumers still crave personalised, tangible marketing solutions to build trust, knowledge and confidence, before committing to making a purchase or signing a contract.

As an example, coffee table catalogues and well designed brochures are here to stay. Whilst many customers revert to placing an order online, perusing the pages is an important part of their customer journey. As well as the products or services featured, print and paper quality and the design of these brochures gives them the trust and reassurance that they need and reinforces the brand as an authority in their field.

Combining your website, social media and digital ads with personalised direct mail pieces, stunning brochures, professionally designed stationery and thoughtfully branded merchandise will make your business a force to be reckoned with. Thus allowing your customers to understand and get to know your business on their terms.

Our team here at Print Marshall can support you with all of your design and print needs for your on and offline communication to ensure a seamless, integrated campaign that inspires and motivates your audience to take action.  From an impressive email template design through to event stands and collateral when exhibitions and shows open up.

Give us a call on 01733 340686 or email

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