Our New Website

Welcome to our new website

We are very pleased to be able to introduce the new online home for Printmarshall Creative.

Firstly we’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that helped with our recent survey. It’s given us a much better understanding of our customer’s needs, as well as giving us a good feel for how we’re perceived as a business. There was lots of positive feedback which will certainly help us with developing the business going forward.

Before we started the website we looked carefully at whether we should introduce an online printing tool in the same way that the rest of the printing world appear to have done. Whilst this allows our customers to send briefs through at silly o’clock in the morning if they so wish, we were worried that it would take away the personal service that our customers clearly know and love.

So instead, we’ve opted to stick with a traditional phone and email ordering system. We prefer to give you the confidence that we’ve received your order and that we fully understand your requirements. Plus, we all like a good chat and a fully automated system would mean that we don’t get our regular client catch-ups.

You’ll notice that throughout our website, there are superhero references and we’ve even created caped caricatures of the team. Whilst some of the boys do have dreams of wearing Lycra and starring in the next Marvel film, there was another reason for this! When we reviewed our client list, we noticed that many of our longstanding clients originally started working with us on emergency jobs. The fast turnaround, quality of our work and obviously the dynamic personalities of our team were enough to keep them coming back year after year.

As a business we’ve always supported local initiatives and with our new website we’ve decided to take things one step further. We have introduced a new campaign that will allow us to support and recognise other entrepreneurs close to Peterborough and Cambridge.

Every 3 months we will be working with the Federation of Small Businesses and local networking groups to identify a new or existing business that’s made a positive impact in the local community – The winning business could have launched a much needed service within the local area or have hosted a charity event for staff and customers.

As well as shouting out about them in our own customer communications, we’ll also be rewarding them with a print voucher that they can use for a project of their choosing.

If there’s a local business that you’d like to nominate for our next award, please email sales@printmarshall.co.uk.

We’ll leave you now to peruse through the rest of our new website and we look forward to receiving any feedback.

If you have any projects that you’d like us to quote on then give us a call on 01733 340686 or email sales@printmarshall.co.uk.

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